Revitalization Series: Refresh Your Brand

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Hutchinson Consulting partner Carol Stratford recently teamed with GSN Planet for the second episode of The Revitalization Series—Refresh. In this powerful session, she talked about how a brand refresh allows a company to highlight its unique position in the marketplace, reinforce its value, and adapt to trends.

Watch this valuable session here:

The webinar offered a number of valuable lessons and tips for updating your brand. Why is this important now, in the middle of a pandemic?
• You need to be ready for the rebound
• Competition is steep
• Your company/offerings have evolved
• Your message is now inconsistent

Plus, wellness consumers have evolved, and you need to evolve with them. Among the trends to watch:
• Consumers have had to adapt to digital wellness and they will continue to use it.
• Preventative care is top of mind.
• Safety is a big factor
• Affluent travelers want to reflect on purpose

Watch this powerful webinar to discover how to best refresh your brand. And reach out to Carol at to learn how Hutchinson can help you do it!

Next up in the Revitalization Series is Reorganize, which takes place October 20 at 3 pm ET. Partner Michael Tompkins, Hutchinson will provide advice for restructuring your leadership and operations for fiscal success. The session will cover:
• Charting for success: Optimize your most important and expensive resource: people
• New Directions: Examine opportunities for finding new talent or new skills for your team

Register here.

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