Wellbeing & Focus – Episode One of Coffee With the Coaches

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In the first edition of Coffee With the Coaches, Jean Kolb and Michael Tompkins dished on Wellbeing & Focus. If you missed the live session, listen here:

Coffee With the Coaches – Wellbeing & Focus

Additionally, here are some important takeaways and action items from the conversation.

Wellness is a choice!  Sometimes life throws us a curve ball. How we choose to catch and respond to it is up to us. Our mental, emotional, and physical well-being are the keys to living our best professional and personal lives. Remember, you are in the driver’s seat! Establishing wellness best practices that are repeatable daily and weekly is your best weapon in taking back control of your life and being more resilient and self-confident.


TAKEAWAY – The highest performing people are those who feel they are in control.  You do this by focusing on what you desire, establishing rituals and setting boundaries.

TO DO – Identify one (1) best practice (or ritual) for each area of well-being.  Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.  Examples include:  30 minutes of exercise 5x a week, read one leadership book each month, Identify time of day to be still for 10 minutes to practice breathing and relieve stress, work with a professional to fine tune your resume, make 3 networking calls per week.  Make them realistic, attainable yet challenging.  

TAKEAWAY – Wellness is a team sport.  Even though these practices are self-care, you will be more successful when there are two or more involved.  Just like a team, there is strength in numbers.  With established goals, an action plan and accountability, you will get the desired results.  Both personally and professionally.

TO DO – Identify an accountability partner who will hold you responsible for the best practices you have identified.  Select someone other than your spouse or significant other.  Maybe a work colleague who has similar goals or a friend who will be direct as they will increase your chances of success. 

TAKEAWAY – Spoiler alert.  You will fail at least once in your best practices.  When you do fail, it is your choice to give up or get back up and resume what you have committed to do.  Wellness is a lifelong journey filled with setbacks and detours.  Keep your eye on the goals you have established, and never give up!  Celebrating the little wins are key to long term success and joy.  

TO DO – Build rewards into your wellness life.  Examples include:  Buy a new pair of trainers when you hit a milestone distance, eat your favorite ice cream  when you have completed the final touches on your new resume, schedule some “me time” at a spa.  

Resources Noted:

The Making of a Corporate Athlete,” Harvard Business Review

Brene Brown
Dare To Lead
Rising Strong
The Gifts of Imperfection

Join us for our next editions of Coffee With the Coaches, which take place each Wednesday at 1 pm ET. Topics and registration links are available here.

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